
September 30, 2019
Lab member Dr. Vikrant Yadav and Dr. A. Pasha Tabatabai published a paper on memory storage in active networks made of actin polymers. The work was published in Advanced...
September 30, 2019
Our recent paper on memory storage in actin networks was featured in Yale News. Congratualtions Dr. Vikrant Yadav and Dr. A. Pasha Tabatabai. The study was led by Prof....
June 13, 2019
Winning entries of LLM members Dr. Camelia Muresan and Dr. Sulaiman Yousufzai from “Art in Research” competition are featured in Yale News. To read the full story at Yale...
May 31, 2019
Dr. Sulaiman Yousufzai and Dr. Camelia Muresan grabbed 2 of the top prizes at ‘Research in Art’ competition organized by Yale Postdoctroal Association. Congratualtions...
April 26, 2019
Our latest publication in Nature Physics was featured in Yale News. Congratulation Team. To read the Yale News article go to
April 8, 2019
